I'm a terribly bad spender, which is a problem for someone who freaks out about finances and hopes to be financially stable when it comes time for me to have a family. I truly feel that this is a habit passed down to me genetically from my mom. It was always something we did to bond, waste time, and have fun. More than that, I am a firm believer of retail therapy and treating myself if I've accomplished a goal or worked particularly hard recently. Like everything, this needs to be done in moderation so to help me deal with the constant need to shop and buy things I've created a list to refer to when I'm feeling spendy. Maybe you're in the same boat as me and this will help you too!

  • Have a TV or movie marathon on netflix
  • Take a nap
  • Read a book
  • Organize something (makeup collection, closet, etc.)
  • Have an at home pamper session (with products I already own)
  • Cook or bake
  • Make lists
  • Meditate
  • Clean or tidy the house
  • Have a coffee/tea date at home with friends
  • Skype with friends and family to catch up
  • Draw, doodle, paint, create
  • Complete a DIY project
  • Exercise
  • Meal plan for the week
  • Create a playlist
  • Do laundry
  • Make a bucket list
  • Plan outfits (with pieces I already have)
  • Knit
  • Play a game (board game or video game)
  • Take photos
  • Write a blog post
  • Do a puzzle
  • Go Pinterest crazy

Trust me, there's a method to my madness. The items on this list help me to realize what I already own, how much I forget what I've already bought, and see that I don't need any more. Some of these activities help to distract me from my addiction or help me to focus on more important things like family, friends, or myself on a deep, less materialistic way.

I'm probably being dramatic. I'm not in debt. But I also am a full-time student, am dependent on my parents, and only work during the summer months. I realize that if I keep going the way I am I could be in trouble. I want to be more responsible with my money. While even I roll my eyes at some of these activities, they do help.

Let me know your tips and tricks for being more responsible with spending. Are you a shopping addict like me? How do you deal with it?
